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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Plecto Aliquem Capite - I
NamePlecto Aliquem Capite - I
DescriptionThe first track from the depressive black metal act, Plecto Aliquem Capite which features Buddhika (Vocals / noises), Pravin (Guitars/violin) and Kasun (Drums / Programming) ....

Prepare yourself for 6mins and 25 seconds of sheer agony
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Stigmata - A dead rose wails for light

Stigmata - A dead rose wails for light
NameStigmata - A dead rose wails for light
DescriptionSingle off Stigmatas third album.
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Hollow - The Red Scarfed Man

Hollow - The Red Scarfed Man
NameHollow - The Red Scarfed Man
DescriptionHollow's 3rd Studio Release.

Music : Khazim Miskin, Kasun Nawarathne
Lyrics : Aki Peiris
Vocals : Steven Shera

Special Thanks to Dan Aloysius @ Mutual Studios. :)
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Size6700.7 Kb

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Salvage - Follow You Home

Salvage - Follow You Home
NameSalvage - Follow You Home
DescriptionSalvage is an alternative metal band, who's scope is actually wider than this genre. Our first single Follow You Home is a cry (and a very loud one at that!) to finding the truth we're all searching for. 

Salvage is, 
CC on Vocals,
James on Lead guitar
Sajana on Rhythm
Justice on Bass 
Greg on Drums
PostNadeera Hellhammer

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